Currently, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 basically form new services and new interactions of humans and machines in a networked economy, the so-called Hybrid Economy. In the Innovationlab Hybrid Services in Logistics in Dortmund innovative technologies for a Social Networked Industry are developed and tested for that – also together with companies.  The interdisciplinary research project focuses on the question how responsible and target-oriented interacting between human and technique can be designed and organised in common networks.

01 Research

In two cutting-edge centres in Dortmund with highly modern equipment, i.e. a research centre and a user centre, there are experiments, field research and close-to-market developments conducted and implemented in innovations into industry.

The development of technological innovations into hybrid services is guaranteed by means of so-called showcases in five areas:

  • Retail,
  • Production logistics,
  • Transport,
  • Maintenance and
  • Virtual Training.

02 Partners

Project partners of the Innovationlab are Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML in Dortmund and TU Dortmund University with its faculty Mechanical Engineering and the research field of economic and industrial sociology. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds the projects with a total of 10 million Euro over a period of three years.

03 Location

On the one hand, the Innovationlab intends to strengthen the digital leading role of Dortmund with respect to service and logistics and, on the other hand, to accelerate the acceptance and implementation of new technical solutions in the area of Industry 4.0. Several academic and industrial partner networks as well as social partners and multipliers of the Ruhr Metropolis and beyond are included in the work of the Innovationlab.